Monday, June 30, 2008

Our weekend...

Well Saturday we really didn't do much at all. Jack and I just hung around the house watching movies because I wasn't feeling very well.
I've started working the weekend days that Owen is off. I know, I know, we don't get to see each other very much as it is but I think it's nice that Owen has some alone time with Jack and the extra money is handy. As I was late home from work on Sunday Owen went on the Sunday walk with Grandma Joy and I have him trained so well, he took the camera with him. LOL. They didn't get very far though, just down to the creek for Jack's newest favourite pastime...rock throwing. Mum tells me Owen had a go as well.
And here's Jack showing off the popping seed pods that we find down at the creek. When you squeeze them they make a popping sound...the wonders of nature.On Sunday night we went and saw the Watoto African Children's Choir. It was a free concert and it was just fantastic. There were a few of us, Owen, Jack and I and my Mum and Grandma, my Aunt's Jenny & Marie and Owen's Dad. It was intermingled with a bit of religion which is not really my thing but the kid's singing and their stories are just so touching. Watoto is a non-profit organisation that builds communities to house the orphans of the Aids epidemic and the war in Uganda. If anyone is looking for a special gift for someone you should check out their shop or you could sponsor a child/mother. : )This morning we all had a sleep in and then Jack and I went for a play with our friends which was really nice. We got home just after midday and woke Daddy up!! He was up late last night watching Dr Who and junk like that. I left Jack at home with Owen and was going to go and grab a Captain Nemos sub(yummo!!) but I decided to check out Vinnies first. Well, an hour and a half later!! I got some great bargains today. I got a button front Target shirt for myself and a pair long pants and a long sleeved shirt for Jack and then I also got for $1 each a 000 striped bonds suit, 2 pairs of Bright Bots training pants, the cutest little knitted hat, a tiny pair of Fred Bare girls shorts and these...
Fred Bare long pants with little wings on the bottom of the leg (they've got a couple of little marks on them though)And this cute little Seed dressNow don't jump to any conclusions here people. I'm NOT pregnant. They were just bargains and I can't miss a bargain can I. Hopefully they'll get some use sometime but nope, unfortunately not pregnant.
Actually speaking of the whole pregnancy, or lack there of, thing, Jack has decided lately that he wants a sister. All his friends have sisters so I guess he thinks he's missing out on something. He's mentioned it a few times and the other day I was listening to him talking to one of his toys and telling it that "Ollie has a sister, Jared has a sister, Lauren has a sister, Nicola has a sister, but we don't have a sister" and then today he threw a wobbly as we were leaving Tricia's house because he wanted a sister. Add a whole nother pressure to the TTC merry-go-round let me tell you. However the other day when we were at a dress shop and Jack wouldn't share the toys with another little boy that was there I told him he needed to share and his reply was, "No! I don't have to! He's not my sister!".
So after the little spending spree at Vinnies I was on my way to Nemo's when I heard on the radio that Spotlight had 20% off everything today so I went and grabbed some thickers and a couple of other things. That took another hour and by then I thought that Nemo's would probably be nearly closed so I may as well go and spend my voucher at the scrap shop and then Owen rang to say my Mum was at our place so I headed home for coffee and a chat with Mum. Jack wanted to take his camera (not a real one) down to the creek so we went for our Sunday walk today since I missed out on it yesterday. Jack was so funny. He stopped at the neighbours fence a couple of doors down and took a few sequential shots of the passionfruit vine (just like Mummy).
After we threw our usual 50 or so rocks in the creek we crossed over to the other side. Someone has been making little rock or log "bridges" over the creek. Jack started walking across the rocks and lost his balance a bit, as he bent down to recover there was a 25cm turtle right beside him (see arrow). It's a shame I wasn't taking sequential shots then. He nearly pooped himself!! Poor little bugger. As he was going to sleep tonight he was telling me how the turtle had scared him a bit and how he had scared the turtle too.We found this cute little frog on the same tree in the same area as the beetles. I presume they are eating them, there was another one in the area as well. Well that's it. Not very exciting hey but I thought I'd better find something to put on my blog.


Brenda said...

ooooh Jody you did well!! I miss that Vinnies!
That Seed dress is adorable. What a find.

Anonymous said...

That was a great shopping trip! about the sister comments..

Memory Journal

 So I decided to start a memory journal this year inspired by the amazing Heidi Swapp.  She is so talented, I just love her style.  I'm ...