Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Every morning I turn the computer on and up pops messenger with Brazen's Christmas countdown and the panic sets in. Sooooooo much to do so little time. So what are you doing blogging I hear you say. Well I hate going to blogs and there's no updates but since I don't have time I'll just load up some photos instead. So here they are: the Christmas to do list on the fridge (note only one thing is crossed off so far), the new photo wall (photos were moved to accomodate new mirror), DH & Jack in their building gear, the new mirror (photo taken very side on to hide my very messy lounge room), the very unfinished looking media room which is meant to host the gift giving on Christmas day (aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh), my gorgeous boy with his new haircut, the new twin recliner which is currently jammed in our lounge room (the cats are happy though obviously) waiting for the room to be finished.

1 comment:

debbiedo said...

Wow Jody! Your house sounds like a madhouse at the moment.

Love the photo wall, I have been planning one of those for a few years now, still haven't done it!

Love the twin recliner, can I come and watch a movie at your place?

Jack looks like he is having fun with his Daddy, love the helmet!

Hope you get all your stuff done for xmas. Have a great one!

Memory Journal

 So I decided to start a memory journal this year inspired by the amazing Heidi Swapp.  She is so talented, I just love her style.  I'm ...