So currently in Australia we are practicing social distancing. The current restrictions are:
- Indoor and outdoor meetings have been limited to a maximum of 2 people with a few exceptions such as a family going out to walk the dog together
- Only 10 people are allowed at a funeral
- Only 5 people at a wedding which includes the bride and groom! Crazy!
- People are urged to stay home unless they need essentials such as food and medications, medical needs, compassionate care duties
- You can exercise outdoors but not in a group and you have to keep a safe distance from others, deemed to be 1.5 metres
- You are working or studying which is unable to be done at home.
- If you are over 70, are over 60 with health issues or Indigenous aged over 50 it if highly recommended that you stay home.
Scary numbers hey
Where we end up as a world civilization at the end of all this is anyone's guess. Economically it's a nightmare! There are shops closing left right and center. There is no in restaurant dining allowed, take away's only. Most of the clothing shops have closed for at least a month. Those that are able are working from home. I work in retail and we are still currently open. Even with all these restrictions we still have people who when approached say they are "just looking". It's crazy!! And so many of them are in the high risk age groups. There is massive uncertainty around every aspect of life at the moment.
It feels like the bizarre start of some movie that is just taking a really long time to get to the plot twist.
Sunday night was probably our last Grandparent dinner for who knows how long. Every Sunday we have my Mum and Grandad and Owen's Dad over for a family dinner. We've been doing it for years. Owen's Dad hasn't been well lately so has missed a few dinners and his nursing home is now on lock down so he isn't able to leave there anyway. I felt very sad at the end of the night and shed a few tears at bedtime thinking of not having that interaction every week, particularly with Grandad as he is 96. He is feeling a bit down as his lawn bowls have been called off. He really misses it when he isn't able to attend. I just would hate for us to pass anything along to any of them considering Owen and I both work in retail and are both still working and interacting with various people who we have no idea about their travel backgrounds. It's shit.
All gyms are closed which is sort of ironic as I had only started going about a month ago after Owen wanting me to join for ever! We had been going Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights and it was a nice family outing believe it or not. I was enjoying it and feeling good from it. Since we've stopped going my dodgy knee that I whacked on my desk at work months ago keeps getting all seized up.
Owen and I are both due to start holidays this coming Saturday. We were meant to be going away to Jack's Under 16 Basketball State Championships but of course that was called off weeks ago as has all sport at the moment. I do really miss basketball. I feel so sorry for the team. They have worked so hard all season and were achieving great results. It had been postponed until June but today there was an email to arrange refunds of fees so I am pretty sure this season will be a wash out but we'll keep our fingers crossed. It's interesting to watch the team. The boys play for different clubs so during club games there is often a bit of animosity between the different players when they are against each other but they come together so well when they play in the same team. I even miss watching them train.
Since we won't be going away we'll be doing a bit of a tidy up and some painting and stuff. I had already painted the bathroom and toilet...
The trims in the rest of the house look disgusting now in comparison. I am planning on painting the entire house inside and we have some outside painting to do too although I am only off for a weeks so might focus more on sorting cupboards etc. rather than starting a massive paint job. Owen is off for 2 weeks so we'll see what he can accomplish.
School finished a week early, well sort of. Since we are both still working we would have been able to still send Jack to school. Apparently selling stuff makes you an essential service...who knew? We have kept him home though for both safety and because it would be pretty crappy at school at the moment with all your mates being at home. So he is home schooling this week since it is technically still a school week. We're being pretty lenient about the quantity though. This whole thing is so stressful as it is without having to argue with a disgruntled teenager who just wants to play Playstation with his mates. There was an email from school yesterday however to say they will update in the coming days regarding preparation for home schooling next term so that will be a big upheaval for the students, particularly the seniors. The thought of home schooling for months is pretty daunting. My Year 10 Math skills suck!!
So normally on my day off I would hit the Op Shops but since I'm a responsible citizen I am staying home. I've been out in the garden this morning. I planted out some rocket in our veggie patch and then grabbed my camera to snap some photos of all the insects around the place. There are so many butterflies around at the moment but they are pretty hard to get a good photo of.
And my garden companion Peppa
Stay safe everyone 💗