The kids have such a great time together, they are great mates. While I am very grateful that Jack is willing to keep his hat on when we are playing outside as I went through today's photos there were so many shots that would have been so great but you can't see Jack's face because it's covered by a hat.
We went and checked out all the animals. How cute are these koalas all lined up in the tree? Awwww. And then before heading home we went down to the lagoon to feed the turtles. The lagoon water level was so low a few months ago but it's really filled up with all the rain and flooding we've had lately. It's a bit overun by the water hyacinth as you can see though. The turtles come right up out of the water to get the food. It's pretty cool.
After our jaunt at the gardens we popped into the Warehouse to pick up a couple of things for Jack's party and then went through the car wash. At the gardens there is a particular type of bird that is hatching all their young and our car was absolutely covered in poo!! I was tossing up whether or not to just wash it at home or go through the laserwash but since Mum was coming over and I would have been both a bit pushed for time and repulsed at all the poo poo I decided on the laserwash. Good choice too it seems because it was staffed today so the poor bugger there scrubbed off all the birdy doo doos before I went through. I felt bad for him though, it was pretty gross.
Jack is at the age where he is "scared" of a few things, or at least he says he's scared of them. One of them is the laser carwash, he gets a bit freaked out and another of the new ones is driving down hills in cars. Now that one is a bit my fault. There's this hill in Rocky, North Street, and when we were kids Mum always used to hustle a little as she went down the hill. She wasn't breaking any land speed records or anything, in fact she would have probably been under the speed limit but this hill has this one wonky hump in the road which makes for a bit of a fun ride, well at least my brother and I used to think so. Apparently not Jack! I went down it the other day and when I looked in the 'Jack' mirror his face was a little worried and then today as I went down a different hill he pushed himself right up in his seat so he could see right out the front and made some comment about "that" hill. Poor little bugger.
Ok, so after we got home my Mum came over for her Sunday arvo visit and we decided to phone my Aunt Jenny to see if she'd like to come for our walk with us through the Kershaw Gardens. We had to meet up with her to look at the hall we're holding my Grandparent's party at anyway and she has mentioned a few times that she'd love to come on our walk as she's seen a few of the photos I've taken. I can't believe the difference down at the creek from the recent flooding. It has changed so much, the water course has forked off and there are riverstones everywhere. It's very interesting and quite amazing that so many stones could be moved such a distance. We only saw a couple of little water dragons today so I hope the big ones havn't been washed away. The little waterfall at the creek that they normally are at wasn't running though so I'm hoping that's why they weren't around. We had our normal big walk through the gardens checking out all the fungus's and things that my Mum always points out. How cool is this green fungus? This is straight out of the camera, the colour is just irridescent. We had a play on the swings and then headed home as it was getting a bit dark.As we were heading away from the swings I found a couple of dandelions, well thistley things at least, but they were so dry that they busted away as I was picking them but as we walked through the scented garden there was a whole weedy patch of them. Jack had a ball blowing them. I really love this photos with his big eyes and just starting to exhale and the colour contrast between the background and his pale skin and bright shirt. It'll definately get scrapped.
Well I'm off to watch some TV before bed.
See ya!