I just broke down (insert very sad & scared smiley here). Owen's Dad is in Tasmania at the moment and we're going over to feed his dogs and tonight it's been a bit rainy and pretty blowy so I procrastinated about it for a while and then decided that I'd better go and lock them inside the house in case we got a downpour since there's not much hidey space for them. Now, if you knew me you'd probably be aware that I'm afraid of the dark, some times quite more than others. Owen's Dad's house is a 2 story and quite frankly the thought of traipsing around there, fumbling for light switches scared the absolute bejesus out of me but I know I wouldn't have been able to sleep if I didn't go. So of I trot and I was very very very brave. I even ventured into the unlit backyard with my pissy excuse for a torch to scout around for a food bowl. Then I backed out of the house, quickly, locked it all up, got in my car, quickly locked the doors whilst simultaneously checking the backseat for men with knives and then NOTHING!!! A flat battery!!! Aaaaaaaarrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!! Of course I had my trusty mobile phone so I rang Owen on the verge of hysteria and he phoned our friend Ben (my knight in a blue Mercedes) and he came and jump started the car. I was in tears by the time I got home, up until then I had been pretty brave (didn't want Bed to see my freak out). It sucked!!!!! It was my fault, well our battery must be a bit dodgy as well I guess, but I had left the lights on high beam when I went into the house so I could see the locks at the front door. Anyhoo, it sucked, big time, freaked me out and now I feel all jumpy and scared.
On a brighter note, I hosted my sex toy party tonight. That was fun. It's one of the girl from works birthday today so it was sort of a two in one. It ended early but I think everyone enjoyed themselves.
I might even try to get some scrapping done tomorrow, or maybe get my Christmas cards done. I bought the New Idea a few weeks ago because it had a voucher to get 30 free photos from Harvey Norman and do you think I can find the damm thing. I'm sure it's around here somewhere but my house is a shambles. I can't wait until the media room and laundry/scrap room are finished so I can get some stuff sorted.
We're going to Amber's first Birthday party tomorrow which should be good. Jack will really enjoy running around with Sam and the kids from next door. Plus they have a trampoline which I'm sure he'll love as well.
Congratulations to...
RACHAEL, on being named a Master. Woooohooooo!!! Very well deserved too. Check out her fabulous work here...
DEE, on her Honourable Mention. Woooohooooo!!! I love love love your work. You are so original and artistic (a word which dosn't begin to explain your work). Well done. Check her out here...
AMANDA, on her Honourable Mention. Woooohooooo!!! I love your style. I love the way all your work is so you and noticably so yet they are all so unique. Gorgeous work. Well done. Check her out here...
CLAIR, on her Honourable Mention. Woooohoooo!!! I love love love your work too. I love the way your work seems so relaxed and so homely (not in a fat ankles kind of way, but in a love kind of way) Your journalling is always fab and your photos, well they are phenomenal. Well done. Check her out here...
And SHARON, congrats on you BFP
Ok, nitey night. I'm nearly falling asleep at the table here.